Graduate Courses
Graduate Courses
PHYS-200/201. Modern Physics.3 crs. ea.
Introduction to quantum physics and relativity. Includes discussion of Schrodinger equation and its application to atomic and molecular spectra, a brief introduction to lasers, solid state, nuclear physics,elementary particles. This course covers the same materials asPHYS-190, 191, however, additional assignments are given to graduate students.
PHYS-202. Optics. 3 crs.
Same as undergraduate course PHYS-176.
PHYS-203. Thermodynamics. 3crs.
Same as undergraduate course PHYS-175.
PHYS-204/205. Electricity and Magnetism. 3 crs.
Same as undergraduate course PHYS -178, 179.
PHYS-208/209. Physical Mechanics. 3 crs. ea.
Same as undergraduate course PHYS-182, 183.
PHYS-210/211. Classical Mechanics. 3 crs. ea.
Study of Lagrangian and Hamiltonian mechanics, variational methods,central force problems, rigid body motion, small oscillations and canonical transformations.
PHYS-214/215. Electromagnetic Theory. 3 cr. ea.
Electrostatics, magnetostatics, Maxwell equations, electromagnetic waves, waveguides, radiation scattering and diffraction, special theory of relativity, radiation by moving charges. Prereq.: PHYS-178, 179 orPHYS-204/205.
PHYS-216/217. Mathematical Methods in Physics. 3 crs. ea.
A study of vectors, matrices, tensors, linear transformations, complex variables, Fourier series, orthogonal functions, partial differential equations of physics, Fourier and Laplace transforms.
PHYS-218/219. Advanced Laboratory. 3 crs. ea.
Experimental projects in spectroscopy, electronics, nuclear physics,low temperature and Solid State Physics.
PHYS-220/221. Quantum Mechanics. 3 crs. ea.
A study of wave and matrix mechanics, angular momentum, perturbation theory, scattering theory, and applications.
PHYS-222/223. Statistical Mechanics. 3 crs. ea.
Ensemble theory, classical and quantum statistics, dense gases and liquids, magnetism, applications in solid state physics, superfluids,superconductivity, kinetic theories, special topics.
PHYS-226/227. Solid State Physics. 3 crs. ea.
Crystal lattice, X-ray diffraction, electron in periodic potential,Bloch theorem, band structure, semiconductors, phonons, optical properties, amorphous structures, superconductivity, special topics.
PHYS-230. Current Issues in Physics Education. 3 crs.
This course examines issues in teaching physics at the introductory level to a diverse student population. Topics include laboratory experiences, test taking skills, and reading comprehension, as well as physics content.
PHYS-232/233. Advanced Geophysical Fluid Dynamics. 3 crs. ea.
This course provides an advanced treatment of fluid-flow phenomena in the atmosphere and will cover nonlinear wave theory and its use in the development and interpretation of the atmosphere. Hydrodynamics instabillity mechanism, which are in present in atmospheric flow and turbulence, will also be covered.
PHYS-234. Introduction to Atmospheric Science. 3 crs.
Introductory course designed to provide a comprehensive background in weather, climate, and atmospheric optics. Lectures will stress the understanding and application of basic principles of physics and chemistry for semi-quantitative description of the Earth's atmosphere.
PHYS-235. Molecular Simulation. 3 crs.
This course will introduce students to the range of methods currently being used to simulate the behavior of matter at the molecular scale. Basic methods for equilibrium Monte Carlo and molecular dynamics simulations will be described, including techniques for generating different ensembles and calculating free energies and phase equilibria. Assignments will involve applying these methods to sample problems. Papers of related work will be discussed.
PHYS-236/237. Electronic Physics. 3 crs. ea.
An examination of analog and digital electronics and instrumentation.Consists of two one-hour lectures and a two-hour laboratory.
PHYS-238/239. Theoretica lPhysics. 3 crs. ea.
Special topics of current interest in mathematical physics and in quantum and statistical physics.
PHYS-250/251. Atmospheric Physics. 3 crs. ea.
Atmospheric thermodynamics, hydrostatics, cloud and radiative processes and chemical cycles. Cloud physics and formation, energy balance, and the impact on global climate. Elementary dynamics with applications to the earth and planetary atmospheres.
PHYS-252. Remote Sensing of the Atmosphere. 3 crs.
Elements of radiative transfer as applied to the upper and lower atmospheres and ocean surface. Both passive and active remote sensing methods are discussed. Satellite technology and applications to the understanding of the Earth and extraterrestrial atmospheres will be discussed.
PHYS-253. Atmospheric Radiation. 3 crs.
Application of radiative transfer theory to problems in planetary atmospheres, with primary emphasis on the Earth's atmosphere;principles of atomic and molecular spectroscopy; infrared band representation; absorption and emissions of atmospheric gases;radiation flux and flux divergence computations; radiative transfer and fluid motions; additional application such as greenhouse effect,inversion methods and climate models.
PHYS-254. Current Topics in Atmospheric Physics. 1 cr.
Atmospheric Thermodynamics, hydrostatics, cloud and radiative processes, and chemical cycles. Cloud physics and formation, energy balance, and the impact on global climate. Elementary dynamics with applications to the Earth and planetary atmospheres.
PHYS-266/267. Advanced Mathematical Methods in Physics. 3 crs. ea.
A selection of group theory, calculus of variations, integral equations, differential geometry, homotopy, homology, cohomology,K-theory and other topics with applications to physics.
PHYS-276/277. Advanced Topics in Quantum Mechanics. 3 crs. ea.
Quantum radiation theory, relativistic quantum theory, and covariant perturbation theory.
PHYS-278/279. General Seminar.3 crs. ea.
Lectures on current topics of interest in physics.
PHYS-280/281. General Seminar.2 crs. ea.
Lectures on current topics of interest in physics.
PHYS-282/283. General Seminar.1 crs. ea.
Lectures on current topics of interest in physics.
PHYS-284/285. Special Topics in Astrophysics. 3 crs. ea.
Current topics of interest in astrophysics.
PHYS-286/287. Special Topics in Laser Spectroscopy. 3 crs. ea.
Current contemporary research problems in laser optics and spectroscopy.
PHYS-290/291. Special Topics in Statistical Mechanics. 3 crs. ea.
Special topics of current interest in statistical mechanics.
PHYS-292/293. Special Topics in Solid-State Physics. 3 crs. ea.
Special topics of current interest in Solid-State Physics.
PHYS-298/299. Graduate Research. 1-6 crs.
Supervised research for students without approved thesis or dissertation topics.
PHYS-300/301. M. S. Thesis Research. 1-6 crs.
Independent research for the M.S. degree.
PHYS-400. Ph.D. Dissertation Research. 1-12 crs.
Independent research for the Ph.D. degree.