Instruments (Coming Soon)

A QISE research and training facility at Howard: A major gap at Howard is the lack of sophisticated, state-of-the-art experimental infrastructure in the field of QISE that can be used for hands-on research and training. In this context, a signature component of this proposed project will be the acquisition and commissioning of a state-of-the-art Low-temperature Cryogenic Scanning NV Magnetometer (LT-SNVM) system (model ProteusQ quantum microscope from Qnami), which is a powerful diamond nitrogen-vacancy (NV)-center-based nanoscale scanning microscope capable of analyzing magnetic field distributions down to almost atomic scales, see Fig. 1a. The LT-SNVM system will complement the room-temperature SNVM system already in place and operation at Northeastern University. The proposed system will expand our ability to explore qubit-based phenomena at cryogenic temperatures, with nanoscale mapping capability. The system includes an optical cryostat, and a cooling setup that will enable us to run the system at temperatures below 2 K without incurring the variable costs of liquid Helium. The system will include the ability to subject samples to magnetic fields up to 3 T normal to the sample surface and 500 mT in-plane. A schematic diagram of this system is shown in Fig. 1b. Qnami’s patented single NV scanning probes offer a 10-20 nm implantation depth (limiting spatial resolution to app. 20 nm and enable measurement sensitivity of 1 µT/√(Hz) for DC measurements and 50 nT/√ (Hz) for AC measurements. Past applications of similar LT-SNVM systems include imaging topological defects in antiferromagnetic systems and antiferromagnetic nanowires, mapping magnetic phases in antiferromagnets, and characterizing the decay of magnon polarons.


Depiction of the NV center magnetometer nanoprobe capable of sensing spins at the nanometer scale


A 3D CAD diagram of the instrument housed in a cryostat and operating on an optical table


A full CAD rendering of the complete system Including the cryogen handling system in a typical laboratory setting. Howard will commit space and support infrastructure to commission this instrument and support its operation.

Figure 1. Howard Uni versity will boast the nation's first commercial low-temperature scanning diamond-NV quantum microscope as a part of this project. (a) Depiction of the NV center magnetometer nanoprobe capable of sensing spins at the nanometer scale (b) A 3D CAD diagram of the instrument housed in a cryostat and operating on an optical table. (d) A full CAD rendering of the complete system Including the cryogen handling system in a typical laboratory setting. Howard will commit space and support infrastructure to commission this instrument and support its operation.