Physics Education

Physics Education

Faculty research in Physics Education has dealt primarily with developing and assessing the impact of novel Earth and Space Science course curricula. In addition, faculty are developing theoretical models of science culture in underrepresented communities.


  1. Marcus Alfred
  2. Prabhakar Misra

Selected Publications

  1. "A Probabilistic Routing Algorithm for DTNs of Randomly Moving Nodes". Proc. of Wireless Net. Devices. 2005., Jiang Li, Legand Burge, Kathleen Kaplan, Marcus Alfred.
  2. P. Misra, G. Carruthers, G. S. Jenkins, 2006. Development of an Earth and Space Science Focused Education Program at Howard University, J. of Geoscience Education, 54.
  3. "Hands-on Diversity: Training Underrepresented Students Through Atmospheric Experimentation." E. Joseph, J. D. Fuentes, B. Demoz, D. Venable, E. Daniel Carre, F. Nzeffe, S. Walford, M. Robjhon, R. Pearson, K. Apodaca, R. Mahecha, H. Moore, J. Seymore, BAMS (Accepted)