Medical Physics Program - Apply
We strive for a recognized level of national and international excellence in research and teaching in medical and applied physics and to assure that students of African American descent and other underrepresented groups are given the opportunity to redeem their fullest potential.
Applications for the fall admissions are accepted from September 1, 2022, through May 30, 2023. Only complete submissions are evaluated on rotating cycle and admission decisions are made.
Application Checklist

- In addition to the requirements listed above you must meet the following: official transcripts, certificates and/or mark/grade sheets must be sent directly from the college or university to the Office of Graduate Recruitment and Admissions, must show proof of degree(s) earned, courses taken, and marks/grades received.
- All transcripts must be evaluated by World Education Services ( or by a current NACES member ( All GRE score reports must be submitted to Howard University (school code: 5297).
- TOEFL Scores (Minimum computer-based score of 213 is required and only official score reports are accepted within 2 years of the test date)
If you have attended a university or colleague abroad whose main language of instruction is English or attended such an institution where English is the official language of the country where the institution is (any of the countries ), then you are exempt from taking the TOEFL/IELTS. - Statement of Financial Resources Form – A completed form that verifies proof of financial support (sufficient funds to cover expenses for one full year including summer months) and supporting financial documentation indicating sources of funds while attending Howard University (such as a certified bank statement dated within 3 months of registration).
The Board of Trustees of Howard University on September 24, 1983, adopted the following policy statement regarding applications for admission: "Applicants seeking admission to Howard University are required to submit accurate and complete credentials and accurate and complete information requested by the University. Applicants who fail to do so shall be denied admission. Enrolled students who as applicants failed to submit accurate and complete credentials or accurate and complete information on their application for admission shall be subject to dismissal when the same is made known, regardless of classification."
All credentials must be sent to:
Howard University Graduate School
Office of Graduate Recruitment and Admissions
2400 Sixth Street NW
Washington, D.C. 20059